What do I do if I am being harassed on social media?
Serena Haywood Serena Haywood

What do I do if I am being harassed on social media?

We have all come across trolls, possibly when responding to a friend’s post about the elections or the continual global warming. Who are trolls, you ask? Folks who intentionally post inflammatory or hurtful comments in a forum or community to provoke people. It appears trolls get some kind of joy from such disruption.

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Which social media channel is right for my small business?
Serena Haywood Serena Haywood

Which social media channel is right for my small business?

By now, you know you need to be on social media. There is no way around it. Social media helps build you up when no one knows about you, and that is a powerful thing. I know you want more people to learn about you and recommend you, and I thought to tackle this question head on.

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How to launch yourself as a social media influencer
Serena Haywood Serena Haywood

How to launch yourself as a social media influencer

I get it, it seems fun to be an influencer. It is not everyone’s cup of tea and certainly not easy, but if you are so inclined, I have some tips for you.

You will be required to figure out what motivates you before you can be an influencer. Is it fashion? Dogs? Fitness? Your ability in the kitchen? What you do, what you are good at, and what motivates you to do a great job of it, are key to your impending influencer success.

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Will social media ever die?
Serena Haywood Serena Haywood

Will social media ever die?

Research shows we pick up our phones a startling number of times – some even suggest about once every ten minutes or so. As a society, we constantly get critiqued for interacting with strangers more online than we do offline. Turns out, we can’t focus well anymore – that phrase about goldfish is now true about us as humans.

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How social media affects body image
Serena Haywood Serena Haywood

How social media affects body image

Questions of body image have come up repeatedly in relation to the exponential rise in social media usage. Most recently, you may have seen a focus in national media around the subject during Mental Health Awareness Week. So, why is it important to discuss this? We all know that it’s tough out there. As more sociologists and commentators critique the incredibly fast pace of life in our society, one of the consequences highlighted relates to the effects of constant updates on our screens on our mental health.

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Is the word “Community” still valid on social media?
Serena Haywood Serena Haywood

Is the word “Community” still valid on social media?

Every business wants a community. Every group is presented as a community. Everybody wants this imagined community to be full of fierce brand advocates. But, the truth is that not every group or a set of people can be called a ‘community’.

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Should I trust Facebook with my data?
Serena Haywood Serena Haywood

Should I trust Facebook with my data?

A series of revelations in the last two years alone have led people learning unsettling things being done with their personal information. People learned that their information was being sold to advertisers. One day, people found that security bugs unblocked whomever they had blocked. Recently, they’ve learned that random surveys they’ve taken were linked to election intelligence.

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What does social media ‘engagement’ even mean?
Serena Haywood Serena Haywood

What does social media ‘engagement’ even mean?

If I told you to imagine a world without social media comments, how would you feel? Scratch that. How many of you even remember a world before social media? Seriously, I find it hard. Social media was fun and games until it became serious business. That’s because the much-loved phenomenon ‘engagement’ came around and shaped the game.

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Using virtual social as a means to combat loneliness
Serena Haywood Serena Haywood

Using virtual social as a means to combat loneliness

Living alone (even by choice) can take a serious toll on your mental health if it’s not kept in check and, unfortunately, just keeping busy isn’t enough to satiate the internal desires we have to be social.

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How do I create content for my social media channels?
Serena Haywood Serena Haywood

How do I create content for my social media channels?

There is a lot of stress on originality and importance of campaign ideas, but it is not always feasible. Sometimes, you need reliable and relevant content that’s easy to produce. Here are some ideas for you to take note of everything that’s at your disposal to create content that will engage your audience.  

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How to choose a social media influencer
Serena Haywood Serena Haywood

How to choose a social media influencer

Influencers have come to influence everyone on social media. All of us have our favourites – some for very specific reasons, others for their celebrity-like status and seemingly perfect lives.

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