I started writing stories when was 11.

They were a bit crap back then because I was completely self-taught.

All I wanted to be was a writer (and an actress, but more on that later) and my imagination was my vessel to get my weird and wonderful ideas on paper. I spent a lot of time borrowing books from the local library to try to feed my brain as much as possible and started with poetry and short stories, later moving to comic strips, plays and scripts for short movies.

I immersed myself in whatever medium I could that would be able to convey powerful stories- movies, TV, short stories, comic books, plays and games.

Doing so allowed me to learn at a much quicker rate that there was a template to storytelling and although the format was different for each medium, the inherent properties remained the same. This allowed me to get perfect the stories for any medium whenever I wanted. I studied for my Psychology BSc at Royal Holloway, University of London at the age of 18 and although I did have a hankering to become an actress at the time, I dropped this then.*

During my time at university, combining my love for studying behaviour, my old passion for storytelling and the newly-emerging internet, I was offered employment as a chat moderator which I rapidly snapped up. I mean, back then, I was sitting in IRC chat rooms and on ICQ for fun chatting to the world anyway, so why not do that AND get paid for it?

I’m well-known within the industry and I’ve been creating strategy, long-term content plans and managing teams at a high level as a Social Strategist for about the last ten years.

Somewhere in between, I took a career break to work on my graphic novel and that story is available here to read.

I’m extremely lucky to be able to say I’ve been climbing the career ladder in the same industry for 18 years now.

*After getting my degree, I regretted not following the acting route and applied for school in New York City at the New York Film Academy, to study ‘Acting For Screen’, where I was able to continue to study the craft of storytelling. I received my Diploma with flying colours and returned to London to write, star in and direct two plays of my own. I also had a great time doing voiceovers for video games and ads for big brands, as well as starring in a few short movies before I called acting quits when my corporate job in social media was making me more of a decent income.

My career has taken me on an eye-opening journey to learn exceptional skills.

Working with a multitude of brands on their stories in an ever changing industry has taught me to be open-minded and accepting of new ideas. It’s ensured that I’ve developed more of a bespoke choice for brand and content strategy as opposed to a one-size-fits-all approach.

As a seasoned professional in social media marketing, content creation and digital services, I can help you succeed.


A few of the brands I’ve worked with:

Brands I've worked with

Work aside, there are many aspects of my life that make me whole.

Seeing the world and enjoying its food - either cooking it myself or simply tasting - are two of my most beloved past times. I take pride in showing my family the various nooks of the globe that encourage me to be more knowledgable about the people that I may meet and work with. Between the tens of thousands of hours I’ve poured into gaming, bingeing TV and consuming movies over my lifetime, I’m a firm believer in telling stories that move you.


These are the beautiful people that inspire me to wake up everyday and give life everything.

How I spend my time…