How to launch yourself as a social media influencer

I get it, it seems fun to be an influencer. It is not everyone’s cup of tea and certainly not easy, but if you are so inclined, I have some tips for you.

You will be required to figure out what motivates you before you can be an influencer. Is it fashion? Dogs? Fitness? Your ability in the kitchen? What you do, what you are good at, and what motivates you to do a great job of it, are key to your impending influencer success.  

What’s your value?  

Once you know what motivates you, you need to figure out what makes you, you. I can’t stress how important it is for you to have an actual unique selling point. It will help you stand out in the sea of influencers out there.  

Your uniqueness, the way you do things, or even the way you photograph something can be the key value and attract people to follow you. Have that spark about you, that charm that really sets you apart. You will need it and you will need to maintain it.

Build your niche as it will keep contributing to your overall value – both to your audience and your partners.

Be authentic.  

Your key value will need building through who you are. Be as honest and authentic as you are – it is the easiest to maintain in your everyday life on social media, too. More importantly, your authenticity will help you take a stand on issues that matter to your audience. People appreciate this from folks they invest time in by following and interacting.   

Being authentic also means engaging with your audience honestly. Keep up with their questions and comments and build those relationships that will support you.  

This also gives you credibility – influencers are being challenged for misleading their supporters and followers, and trust me, you don’t want to be on that list.

Which platform suits you?  

Your skills and niche will need to match the platform you want to be on. Are you a writer or a photographer? Are you a budding rapper or an experimental cook? The kind of work you do will dictate what kind of platform you will shine on.  

Visual platforms like Instagram will really help you showcase your work, whereas a combination of Instagram and Soundcloud may help you gain followers if you are writing and singing.  

Also bear in mind that different platforms offer different audiences so you will need to decide accordingly. If you are looking for an older audience, then picking Facebook over Instagram may well serve you well.  

Post often, post well.  

The key to building effective partnerships with brands and companies (once you have a platform, that is!) is to be able to show that you are creative and prolific and have content ready to keep your audience engaged.  

Posting often lets you showcase more of you to your audience and also lets brands know that you know how content calendars work and that you can be trusted to think on your feet to create content that will benefit both you and the brand.

Network, network, network.  

You will need to invest time in understanding the mechanics of the industry. Go to the forums, meet people at events and attend all the corporate invites. You never know who might approach you depending on where you are.

Maintain your own network of influencers who can recommend you (and you do the same for them, of course). Engage with fellow influencers by inviting them to collaborate with you – this way both of you get introduced to new audiences and opportunities.

Pitch yourself.  

Write to folks you think you can offer your audience. Pitch, pitch, pitch! If you come across a brand you think you are the right for, it’s time to pitch.

People are always looking to collaborate with the right influencer. Show them why you are the right one. Put yourself out there when you see new opportunities and don’t be disheartened when it doesn’t work – people remember those making the effort and this business is all about being seen.

Nurture your audience.  

Finally, and I cannot stress this enough, your audience is your superpower. Nurture them. You have to keep your audience interested and engaged with you, as your relationship with them facilitates all of your work.  

It sounds a bit cold-hearted, but your audience is at the core of your offering. Your audience will also offer you support when you need it, and being human we all need that.

By nurturing your audience, you could end up with advocates and fiercely loyal supporters who might surprise you when you need help. And it’s all about that moment of joy when someone looks out for you.

So, with that, I wish you well in your influencer career. Remember, it’s all about the value you bring and how much your audience loves you!  


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