ELYSIA was my brainchild from the age of 16. My graphic novel didn’t see the light of day until I was 32, when I decided to take a career break and focus on it 100%. I launched a Kickstarter and raised almost £22,000 (with another £3,000 coming in outside of the crowdfund). With that kind of support, I knew I had to get the story in people’s hands.

Looking back, it was the single hardest undertaking of my life, but I’m really proud of myself for completing it.

For two years, I lived and breathed ELYSIA, putting everything else aside, until she was finally ready to show to the world.


The Story.

ELYSIA is an urban fantasy graphic novel about a girl who wants to be noticed. When her wings begin to grow, she has to face the fact that she is no longer human and must come to terms with the challenges that lie ahead. Having being born with a lot more power and responsibility than she can accept, we follow ELYSIA on this epic coming-of-age journey where everything she knows no longer exists.

The teenage angst involved with growing up is only exacerbated by the trials and tribulations she is faced with when confronted with the reality that she is the only key to stopping the Fallen Angel attack that is about to wipe out the inhabitants of the world.

ELYSIA is destined to do great things. But, can she accept who she really is and learn to use her newfound angel powers in time to make them happen?

There will be three volumes in total split into three chapters each, comprising nine chapters in total. Each graphic novel volume story is a complete set in itself and allows us to follow the progress of ELYSIA’s search for her identity.

The first complete chapter, comprising of 100 colour pages, is available to purchase; details below.



For only £12, you’ll receive:

ELYSIA Chapter 1: 100 full-colour pages of graphic novel goodness.

All orders receive a FREE bookmark!

The first print run is almost sold out, so don’t delay, get your copy today!

More to discover:

Elysia Prints - draft 1.jpg


Back when I was deciding which prints to… well, print, I had a number of great options in front of me. I wanted to tell ELYSIA’s story from different parts of her life, so I chose the images that provoked a feeling in you that would match hers. These are my favourites.

Elysia Making of - draft 2.jpg

The Making of Elysia

I’ve already started writing the backstory to this elaborate project. As there were so many moving parts and it spanned a number of years, I wanted to delve into the history of it. I received a number of requests to sell the artwork too, so this was a good opportunity for the fans to get their hands on it in one easy place. Currently in works.

Elysia Bundle 2 - draft 2.jpg


From bookmarks to tote bags. Travelling to conventions every few weeks was exhilarating, especially when I got to meet fans who would tell me how much they loved the story. This meant the world to me. I put together a few items to encapsulate the best of ELYSIA and I’m pleased to finally be able to get them back online and in your hands.

The Kickstarter.

It took three weeks to get the Kickstarter together - that’s copy, images, designing the structure of the packages and the video. Everything worked well together to help us raise the almost £22,000 (+£3,000 outside of Kickstarter). It was a gruelling month to raise that amount of money, but every second spent networking, marketing and refining processes so they were more efficient, was worth it. Elysia wouldn’t exist without the extremely loyal fans. Thank you.


Elysia launch at MCM Comic Con, October 2014

If you require coaching on launching or running your Kickstarter, please get in touch.

The story encapsulates a healthy respect for science, friendship and self-discovery. Don't be fooled by the angels - they are led by planetary alignments, not religion. Elysia makes many friends along the way all with their own awesome powers and begins her training to fight the Fallen Angel overlord. All the while, her father is kidnapped, and her self-discovery and own powers are excelling at such a rate, that she becomes a formidable force to be reckoned with!

What people are saying.

One of our editors, Anthony Del Col, gets his hands on the book for the first time.

One of our editors, Anthony Del Col, gets his hands on the book for the first time.


“With ELYSIA, Serena has created a fascinating fantasy world with a nice mix of genres that has the potential to appeal to a very large audience.  What makes the story most compelling, though, is that she’s grounded it in great characters and relatable scenarios.  You want to be Elysia, discovering her powers, but you’re also afraid to be her because of the situations she’s thrust into.  It has everything that will keep you coming back for more.

I’ve been fortunate to read through a couple drafts of the script over the last year and the story is gets exponentially better each and every time.  I can’t wait to actually see see Elysia fly onto the pages of the graphic novel.”

Anthony Del ColCo-creator/co-writer of the acclaimed ASSASSIN’S CREED series by Ubisoft, and also KILL SHAKESPEARE by IDW Publishing.

“I was really excited to read an early draft of Elysia. It's a very different story set in a unique world and I can't wait to see it brought to life. It's the kind of thing you're going to tell your friends about and feel lucky to be in at the beginning before it gets really popular! Also, critically, Elysia is a hot girl with wings; which is excellent.”

Nick WealthallPoker presenter and comedy writer with many TV credits on over 20 different shows on the BBC and Channel 4.

“Serena has written a world full of little nuggets and curiosities. One part I really enjoyed the most was where Elysia learns to use her powers. Skar and the training scenes are superb.”

Corey BrothersonCo-creator and writer of DEADLIER THAN, MAGIC OF MYTHS and CLOCKWORK WATCH.